Come Fly With Me

We traveled to Washington DC today. (Red eye flight, ugh. I’ve now been awake for over 36 hours.) Our family is going on a little vacation. Actually it’s a conference my husband is attending and we’re along for the ride. I am eager to be here though. I recently read the Imagine by Jonah Leaher. It’s a book about the science of creativity. He presented some very intriguing thoughts and case studies. He talked about the value of travel to spur on creative thought. Once outside our regular surroundings we truly begin to see things and make new connections. Not to mention new yarn stores to explore! Well he didn’t mention that bit about yarn shopping but it was certainly implied. (Tomorrow is a yarn crawl! Woot five shops in Virginia!)So I am traveling with a sense of excitement. I get to travel with my favorite people (hubby and son) and see some new things. With any luck I’ll come home with neat fiber treats. But the best part may just be the time to jog my brain into new patterns. I’ve come home from trips with new cooking ideas or organizing plans or reading lists. When I travel I have the freedom to do things differently. Time zones force me into weird schedules and living out of my suitcase helps compress my needs and belongings. Its exhausting of course but getting away and shaking things up is very exciting. And going out to eat every day is a real bonus.So whether you just drive down different streets your own neighborhood or take off on a business trip see if you can find a path less traveled and check it out just for fun. Who knows what you will find. Your brain will thank you for the twist of creative thought. Your next big idea is coming from out of town. Book the seat and see what happens.




Knit Treasure