Fiber Lessons

One of the delights in my life is working at Piedmont Yarn in Oakland, CA. Yes, I get to knit at work and yes, I am surrounded by great fiber to choose from. But my favorite part of working in a yarn shop is chatting with the folks who come in. It’s always fun to see what they are working on or to figure out a problem together. And I’ve met knitters visiting from out of state and overseas. Fun times. Every now and then one of these lovely people will share a bit of wisdom, a little something that gives me pause and makes me glad to be in the community of knitters. Such a bit of wisdom came my way yesterday.When you buy a hank of yarn it needs to be wound into a ball or cake before you can knit with it. Not every new knitter knows this and many have been surprised with a tangled mess. Sometimes this is enough to make a person throw up their hands in disgust and even leave this “dreadful” hobby altogether. Not so for one knitter. Confronted with a hopeless tangle she started to pick it apart to make a ball she could work with. She told me she didn’t mind so much since the yarn was beautiful and she loved looking at it. She also discovered as she worked that if she pulled too hard the whole thing became a tight knot but if she relaxed and loosened everything up she could find a way to detangle a little bit more."My yarn taught me a couple valuable life lessons. When I am in a tight spot or tough time if I relax and do not hold on so tight it will be easier for me to find my way out. And even in a tough time I can look around to see the beauty beside me and take heart."Don’t hold on too tight and watch for beauty.


Little Surprises

