News Flash
When I started to go gray at 38ish I was fascinated. It was kinda cool to see my hair change and grow in a new color. But the fun only last a year or so. I colored my hair back to brunette. Ten years later I was done. I wanted to see what my hair really looked like under that “natural” brunette I’d been holding onto for so long. I could see gray peeking out. I assumed I was gray from ear to ear and front to back. And while that was true I was still brunette on top. So when I finally let it all come in I looked like I had highlights. Well old lady highlights anyway. It was okay; gray hair was not going to “kill” me.I did not have the same fascination with hot flashes when they started two years ago. In fact I was down right annoyed. There is no controlling them like graying hair. You can’t just take off a layer of skin and feel cooler. You have to wait it out. And I’m told they can come and go for a decade more or less. Grand.Yesterday I had 11 hot flashes in one day. Yes I kept track it was weird after about four. I decided I would have to think about them differently. I am reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I’ve just cracked the surface really but the basic idea is to adopted an attitude of gratitude, in all things, to find the good in every thing. Hmmm. I’ll give it a try.It was easy to find the good in sunny days and even rainy days since we need the moisture. I was thankful for neat stories on the radio, sweet juicy oranges, afternoon naps, even grocery shopping since I’d bought delicious food to prepare. But I was having trouble thinking of anything good about hot flashes.Then today I had a glimmer. Today I thought it is rather cool that my body is going haywire like this. It means I am still growing and changing. I am uncomfortable yes, but not for very long (maybe too often but not long). It is expected and yet it is a mystery. Just for today I remembered I am fearfully and wonderfully made. And part of the mystery of being female is hot flashes.I am a mystery. Now that is kinda cool.