Reading: It's FUNdamental

Are you old enough to remember the old ad campaign on Saturday morning cartoons: Reading: It's FUNdamental! I was NOT a big reader when I was little. It was hard to learn to read. I was always in the slow reading group. Looking back it seemed to me my group read stuff about Dick and Jane while the others kids got to read about Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn! Good Grief. Still I stuck with it and eventually I became a reader. And even an author! Oh my!These days I always have a book going. There is a stack of books on my nightstand, coffee table and office desk. When I finish a good story I am always on the outlook for the next great adventure. I know there are many of us out there: readers! And we all know it's FUNdamental. (Still a popular campaign to get kids reading RIF!.)Currently I am enjoying The Showmaker's Wife by Adriana Trigiani. I'll admit I was drawn to the book's cover, I often am. This read delivers on the promise of the lovely cover. It's a love story beginning with teenagers in Italy and moving epically to immigration to America. I am not finished I am trying to savor this one. The details are rich and inviting. I want this one to last...but I want to know what happens next too!What are you reading that excites you? I am always on the look out for a good suggestion.


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