The 10:30 Rule or Keep Calm and Carry Yarn
"It's darkest before the dawn.""Things will look better in the morning.""Sleep on it.""Don't rip after 10:30."I love to knit. I do it daily. I do it will into the evening, especially if we're watching a movie. Occasionally a mistake is made. Hurmph. Sometimes there is a need ot rip back. I have learned to never make the decision to rib back after 10:30 at night. If I do it would be done in disgust and frustration. If I step away from my knitting, maybe switch projects, I can tackle the problem in the morning. It is amazing what clear thinking the morning can bring.One 10:30 evening I decided I had to rip back an entire sleeve so it would match the other one. (This was in the days before I knit them at the same time.) Just before I pulled the plug so to speak, I paused and thought maybe I should wait. It took all my will to listen to this still small voice of reason. I set down my knitting and did not rip back. In the morning I looked a the same sleeve problem only to find I had not completed the last pattern repeat of decreases. It was time to move forward not rip back! Clarity came with the sunshine. I was a happy knitter once again.It is not lost on me this same principle (of waiting!) can be applied to other more daunting decisions in my life. Tangled problems need to be considered and actions need to be taken but usually not immediately and not in the dark of night. Sleeping on it is not a waste of time or a platitude. Looking at a situation in the light of day is a very good idea. Things often do look better in the morning. And, if in fact, it is as ugly as situation as feared, there is my knitting to keep me calm while I wrestle with whatever nasty decision I have to make.It's true: Keep Calm and Carry Yarn.