The Learning Curve

You’ve seen it in a knitter’s hands: ease of movement. They seem to know what to do without thinking. Now you want that secret too. But the learning curve looks steep. You may have started down this road before and found it frustrating. But those knitters you watched looked like they were having such a good time.Take a deep breath. Pick a favorite color from all the yarn choices. Find pointy sticks that fit your hands. Feel the nervous excitement of a new adventure. You will be tempted to compare and contrast what other knitters are doing with what is happening on your needles. Don’t. Concentrate instead on the treasure in your own hands, the tiny stitches forming right under your fingertips. First steps are slow but what’s the hurry?Knitting creates wonderful things you can give to others: scarves, hats, gloves, even a sweater or two. Once the tangle of learning is over another gift emerges. Knitting offers you grace, peace, calm, comfort. You pick the word it comes to every knitter when fumbling fingers find their rhythm and stitches become automatic.A smile break across your face, “I get it.” A stitch slides into place just as it is supposed to and then another and another. And oops one got away. But for a moment there you did it. Exciting. You try again.Your first scarf is a wobbly affair. But you love it and are proud of it, even as you point out every mistake to anyone who touches it. You are hooked, yet not sure why since it was so frustrating sometimes. Every mistake caused panic. You searched for someone to help fix it. However watching the fabric form is soothing.A whole new world opens up. Knitting calms a stressful day. It gives you a cozy feeling found only in the wool on your needles. You watch stitches cross from left to right like counting rosary beads. Finally knitting is joyful. You have a quiet place to be. Some knitters fill this space with prayer or mediation. Others breathe deep and soak up the peaceful break from their busy lives. Time alone with needles and thoughts is the gift knitting offers you.But knitting can be loud and bossy too. You might discover knitting in community at your local yarn shop knit night. This is knitting as a celebration. Friendships form through fiber and fun. Patterns are discussed and mistakes puzzled out. Finding others as delighted by yarn as you is a joy.Whether you are quiet with your own knitting pleasures or gathered in a boisterous group this craft offers you something your soul needs: a spot to rest. Alone you find rhythms that soothe and calm. Together you find community that nurtures and helps you grow. Both are valuable. You will see, just as soon as you climb the learning curve and take a peek at the other side.


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