Weighing My Options

Working with a small ball of luxury yarn I was knitting a pair of fingerless gloves. At least I hoped it would be a pair. I only had one skein of this precious cashmere silk mohair blend. Could I be sure there was enough? Worry was hindering my fun. To experienced knitters the answer is obvious: I could weigh the project. The label told me how much the ball weighed therefore if I weighed the first glove I could subtract to find out if there was enough left for number two. Looking at the small amount left after the first glove was deceiving. But numbers don’t lie. I had more than enough. Go for it! I had the safety net of certainty.I would love to do this with other wonderful small luxuries, have the certainty of abundance. How long will the sunshine last today? Do I have enough time to finish this pattern repeat before my appointment? How long can I read a good book before I get interrupted? It occurred to me I ruin some of my pleasure by worrying. If I don’t sink in and really enjoy the little luxuries offered me I’m wasting them. I weighed my options. I can bemoan the fleeting quality of life’s little gifts or I can savor them. I think next time I indulge in a really good piece of chocolate I will let it melt with delight on my tongue rather than wish I could eat the whole box.Savor some little moment offered you today.




Five Reasons to be an Everyday Knitter