Vanilla Pecans
Once upon a time I had some very tasty almonds at my brother’s house. After my visit I dreamed about them. I called to ask for the recipe. He hesitated. I begged. He complied. I hung up satisfied. But he called right back. “Lisa, those almonds are a pain in the butt to make, so tedious and they burn easy. You will hate making them. I have another recipe you should try.” And now I was the one to hesitate. Who says I can’t make tedious almonds? Actually my brother does. He knows me; I loose my patience in the kitchen sometimes. So I took his advice and tried his pecan recipe instead. I am pleased to say these nuts have become a signature dish of mine. I make them for all kinds of occasions. Now you can try them too. They really are easy, you only need a little patience. Honest.