
The tiniest thing can mess you up. For example when you write a computer program sometimes a comma in the wrong spot can throw the whole thing out of whack. Those are the “bugs” they talk about, commas running amuck. Teehee.Recently I was working a new lace pattern and my stitches ran amuck. I kept making the same mistake over and over. I counted, double-checked and ripped back. I finally discovered the tiny thing that caused all the trouble. A post-it note covered the chart making the margin look like stitch where there was no a stitch at all! I was doomed to be off count every time.Commas and stitches, tiny things can “get ya”. Little details that seem to count for nothing but really hold everything together. Thinking of it this way there are so many tiny things that can mess me up. I forget to shoulder check in the car and nearly change lanes into a Toyota. No quarters in my purse and I can’t buy the soda I crave. A bill past due by a day and there’s a fine to pay. The tiniest things can mess me up.Happily I think the flip side is also true. The tiniest thing can make my day. Someone let’s me into traffic. A text message from a good friend. My favorite tv show is on and it’s not a rerun. The lavender in my front yard is blooming and fragrant. Sometimes the smallest thing leaves the biggest impression—good and bad.I got to thinking about how I can help put these little details into the world. I can be the one who let’s someone into traffic. I can be the one who texts a good friend. I can be the one who offers a smile or a hug or a word of comfort, or lavender from my garden.Look around today and see what happy details come your way. And then see where you can put a smile one someone else’s face. It can be the tiniest thing…


Olympic Effect

