Episode Two
I had such grand plans. I had such hopes of discipline. I had such trouble getting back to you after my first entry. I set up my website and then took to the open road! The book tour in October was great fun but now it's time to get back to work.But where do I start? Hmmm?The "to-do" list this time of year is a long and scary thing. But happily knitting is on the list so I am a happy girl. I am making several hats for gentlemen on my Christmas list. And a few pairs of fingerless gloves for the ladies. These small offerings give me a real sense of accomplishment. But I long for a big sweater. I have picked out the yarn and pattern for a new project for me but in the misted of holiday knitting that feels like a guilty pleasure so I will wait. The grey skies of January will come and I am ready to fight back with my new project.I can hear you laughing at me already, as if I'll wait till January! I have been very disjointed in my knitting this autumn trying so many little projects. My hope is that come January I can settle down and just knit one big thing. (Again I hear you giggling in the background.) What I think I need from my knitting next is something big to hold my concentration. What are you expecting from your knitting in 2012?