First Day of School
It’s the first day of the new school year today. I am not taking photos of a kindergartener. Nope, I texted with my college sophomore this morning after he’d been to his first day of organic chemistry. Oh my I am glad that is not my syllabus. But I do not quite have the rhythm of the college cycle yet. Back to school is different when you have a kid three time zones away. The supplies needed are different: airplane tickets and suitcases. Packing boxes full of sheets and towels. He buys his own textbooks and school supplies. He needs a fridge.I am not getting him crayons and kissing him at the door to his classroom anymore. Now the good-byes happen curbside and I watch as a grown child (taller than me) rolls his suitcase into the airport line for check in. He takes himself through security and finds a seat at the gate waiting to go. He flies 3,000 miles and wracks up frequent flier miles.Honestly it’s a little weird. I am a jumble of emotions (and no it’s not just menopause). I am happy he’s excited about college and his studies. I’m thrilled he is doing so well. But I am a little jealous of his starting out and doing all kinds of new things. I am sad he’s not around every day anymore. I liked his choice in music and I enjoyed cooking his favorites for dinner. But if I’m honest I am also glad to have the house back to myself again. I have a rhythm of my own when he’s in school. Hubby and I do the couple thing and that’s lovely. But having my days back to my own is a gift I am just now beginning to unwrap and enjoy.Come to find out going to college is just as much of an adjustment for the parents as it is for the student. Yes, I know he’s pretty much gone for good but I am easing into it way, one semester at a time.