National Toasted Mashmallow Day
Ya gotta love the internet. It let’s you find out the best, the worst, and the craziest things. I love that good news can travel fast and heart-warming videos can go viral. It’s unfortunate that ugliness spreads as fast. Makes me crazy. Of course we all have different ideas of what is heart-warming and what is ugly. So today I am going for silliness. A quick search let me discover today is National Toasted Marshmallow Day. What is not to like? Even if you are not a fan, sugar is worth smiling about. And toasted marshmallows probably conjure up images of campfires and summer time, good times with friends and family traditions.So today is the day you should practice making toasted marshmallows because Fridayis National S’mores Day. See what I mean; The internet: Keeping you informed of sweet holidays coming your way. Yum.