Happy Anniversary

Tomorrow my hubby and I celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. Woo Hoo! We’ve been together since 1980. If you do the math you will see we dated for seven years before we married. Yes it was worth the wait. TeeheeSo on the eve of wedded bliss I’m thinking back to times we’ve shared. We’ve moved all our stuff to five different households. We’ve started a family. We’ve traveled internationally three times. We’ve acquired a cat. We’ve got a good life. There have been some miss steps. We’ve certainly made each other mad. But none of those times really come to mind. When I look at our marriage I honestly see the little things that make it a thing of beauty; the inside jokes, silly traditions and special memories that make up our history. Day to day it’s a good thing. I like the rhythm of our life even as it has changed over the years.It boggles my mind that we have been married for so long. On my wedding day I knew it would be forever but it didn’t sink in. I didn’t really imagine what 25 years from then would look like. It looks pretty good. Now I can imagine years and years more, though I am sure it will be a surprise when I look back again. I suspect it will still be the little things that matter most to me. The kindness of loving comment. The gentleness of an evening shared. The companionable feeling of a meal shared. It really is the little day to day things that make my a happy married person.


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Adding Up Porgress