Adding Up Porgress
Bit by bit, small actions over time make a big difference. This is not a new thought. Knitters know this whether they think of it much or not. All those little stitches we make add up. They become a sweater or a scarf or a sock (yes sometimes just one sock). It takes thousands of stitches to make a sweater. I suspect if I stopped to think of that I might never start. Could I do a thousand of anything? I mean a thousand sit-ups would probably kill me. (Maybe a thousand bites of chocolate, teehee). And yet I launch new knit items all the time. What an act of faith.As I mused on the thought of little actions adding up I found other things that are the same way. One frame at a time an animated movie comes to life. It takes the folks at Pixar four years to make a film. Little pictures over time come to life. Music builds slowly too. Note by note the song grows into a melody you can recognize or even play your self. Exercise, a little here, a little more every day. It adds up. Soon you are fit and feeling better.I can’t see the results of these small things sometimes because I am looking for the end result I am waiting to see the film or hear the music or wear the knitted garment and I miss something along the way. It takes time to do these good things. The process is the thing. I work knit stitches everyday. It is my quiet time as well as my joy and comfort. Knitting is such a part of my day I forget to look at it closely sometimes. I forget that the end product is not the thing. It’s the work of my hands. All the small stitches add up to a finished object. I love having handiwork to give to others or wear myself but I think I might love all the little stitches even more. Everyday handiwork is my passion.