Knot A Problem
I discovered a group on Ravelry called Knot a Problem. It is a group for people who like to untangle yarn that is a snarled mess. You can actually find a person geographically close to you, send them your troubled skein and they will fix it, knot a problem. You pay the postage. I was gobsmacked to find this group. Really? You enjoy detangling a mess? You aren’t reduced to tears and running for scissors? I’ve been thinking of these people since I found them a week ago. I am just so surprised folks enjoy doing this? I know it’s all on the interwebs. You can find an interest group for anything and everything. Yet I was surprised.Finding this unexpected interest group brought into focus the old thought: we each have a wide variety of gifts, interests and things we can share with the world. I may not understand (or even appreciate) some of them but it is a very good thing the whole variety is there. What a boring world this would be if we all liked and did the same things. There would never be anything to post on You Tube! Seriously, we’d all be the poorer for it and having nothing to teach each other.