Gratitude in 2020
Yup, I had to order a second gratitude journal in 2020. Strange, right? I didn’t think I needed the first one.
I am a positive person. I see the bright side. My glass is half full. So when I got this journal as a Christmas gift I was surprised how much I thought I didn’t need it. I don’t need help remembering the good stuff in my life. Boy was I wrong. 2020 has tested the metal of every optimist.
This particular journal however was different. It’s not a blank book of pages to fill. It has gentle prompts to ask what you missed, or what you loved. It also has breaks for a explanations of why being grateful is good for your health and well being. I really did stop to smell the roses with this one. I also remembered I love crisp clean sheets. I saw sunsets. I appreciated a full tank of gas. I enjoyed the taste of plum cake. I was thankful for creative work to pursue.
Finding perspective in a pandemic is hard. It takes daily practice for me to find the good things. But surprise, there are always good things to find. Even if it’s a glass of ice water on a day when the temperatures reached 115°!