What’s Lisa Reading Now

Or How the Jolabokaflod Tradition Lets You Buy Any Book You Want at Powell’s, sort of.

Jolabokaflod is the Icelandic tradition of giving each other books on Christmas Eve and reading while sipping hot chocolate. There is a book catalog that goes to every home in the country at the beginning of the season. So folks can make their wishes and plan their purchases for the big night. Mmm, what a grand thing.

This year we spent Christmas in Portland. There weren’t a lot of books under the tree because we all knew we’d be spending an afternoon at Powell’s adding to our holiday loot!

I’ve read a lot of good things this year and here are a few you might want to check out:

Once Upon A Wardrobe by Patti Callahan Fans of Narina and C. S. Lewis will really enjoy this novel of imaginings about Narina origins.

We Need No Wings By Ann Davila Cardinal Aging as a woman is a mystery, this book adds to the mystery with Saint Tresa of Avila. So good.

Horse by Geraldine Brooks I’ve mentioned this one before, such a good read, still highly recommend.

The Bookbinder by Pip Williams A different kind of war story. Twins working in a bookbinding plant in England.

West With Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge Imagine giraffes crossing the country by open truck in the 1940s. Good Stuff.

Field Notes for the Wildreness, Practicing for an Evolving Faith by Sarah Bessey I love a good good about deepening my faith.

Church of the Wild, How Nature Invites us into the Sacred by Victoria Loorz Again a faith book I read and reread.


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